How August Affects Organs in the Human Body

August – Thermoregulation This time of year poses the biggest threat to the thermoregulatory system, resulting in possible health issues affecting the body, both inside and out. Your body might be prone to overheating, which consequently leads to the so-called…

Yarrow – Production of Homemade Cosmetics

Yarrow – Achillea millefolium Yarrow is a very well known plant because it is quite distinctive and grows virtually everywhere. Its white flowers are eye-catching, and an herb such as this is difficult to overlook. Its Latin name is owed…

The Scents of Summer

Summer is in full swing. We’re making the most of the sun, going on vacation, taking a rest, going to the woods, and spending more and more of our free time outdoors. Let’s make this time even more pleasant with aromatherapy.…

How July Affects Organs in the Human Body

July – Bloodstream The blood streaming through our veins is most vulnerable in July. Its flow is weakest in the morning and strongest before we go to sleep. The health issues one can expect as a result include difficulty catching one’s breath…

The Globe Artychoke (Cynara scolymus)

This bittersweet-tasting plant from the Asteraceae family has a multitude of healing abilities. It regenerates the liver, acts against flatulence and has strong detoxifying effects. It also has its unmistakeable place in the culinary domain – on the most opulent…

Thyroid in Danger

The thyroid is one of the most important organ regulators; it is responsible for the running of many bodily functions and overall metabolism. Problems with the thyroid gland should be treated without delay.


Purple coneflower is one of the strongest stimulants to the human immune system. It is also one of the few herbs with antibiotic properties – it works against bacteria and viruses alike. Echinacea protects you from catching colds and prevents…