My Herbs is a special quarterly print publication for anyone who is interested in alternative cooking, home grown herbs, and traditional or complementary medicine or healing methods, simply for everyone who wants to live in harmony with nature. Dear Reader, Welcome to…

Common juniper

This plant is one of the basic ingredients used in making gin or borovička, and cannot be omitted as a spice for venison. Juniper cleanses the air, improves digestion and stimulates appetite in humans. When used topically, it works wonders for…

Common chicory

This herb is commonly found growing along the sides of roads. It has beneficial effects on the gallbladder and liver and on the digestive tract as a whole. Generally speaking, it cleanses the body. Chicory has diuretic effects and helps heal angina…

Tall mallow

This herb has anti-inflammatory effects and stimulates mucous secretion. The healing parts are the leaves and flowers. Tall mallow stimulates coughing to help alleviate respiratory inflammation and bronchial catarrh, while gargling softened mallow helps to get rid of hoarseness. This herb works well as…


This herb has antispasmodic and antiseptic properties and also reduces sweating. Marigold heals wounds, eczema, skin inflammation and bruises. When taken orally, it has a positive impact on the activity of the liver and gallbladder. Marigold helps with the healing of…

Dead nettle

When used internally (consumed), dead nettle eases inflammation of the respiratory system. Thanks to the presence of saponins, it heals many respiratory conditions, even bronchitis. It is an excellent supplement for the treatment of asthma. The plant has the power…


Elderberry is a shrub in which all of its parts – flowers, bark, leaves, fruit and roots – have healing qualities. The flowers treat colds and respiratory conditions. They help ease airway inflammation and are a great remedy for the…

Violets can stop headaches

The scent of violet alone can quickly stop a headache. Moreover, it is known for its ability to quiet coughs, treat asthma and dissolve mucous in the airways. It is one of the few herbs that relieves hoarseness and helps to…