Dear readers and fellow herbal enthusiasts,
“As the days grow longer, the cold grows stronger.” This age-old folk saying holds a familiar truth about the delicate dance between winter’s lingering chill and spring’s gentle warmth. It encapsulates the essence of the transitional period we find ourselves in, as we bid farewell to winter and eagerly welcome the promises of spring.
I would like this issue of My Herbs to be a way for you to renew your mental strength in the same way that nature renews itself in spring after a long and difficult winter. Because these times bring us more stress than ever before, and mental strength and well-being seem to be something we must increasingly actively pursue, as they do not come to us on their own. This is the subject of the first, and main, article in this issue. In it, we tell you what herbs you can use against stress, and what natural remedies you can make from them.
Then, as usual, there are several articles on growing herbs in the garden and an article on collecting herbs in the wild. We will not forget the topic of herbal cosmetics, which is becoming increasingly popular as more people become interested in sustainability and ecological living. Finally, we will present you with lots of ideas on how to celebrate three important holidays with herbs in the spring – St. Patrick’s Day, Easter and Earth Day.
My Herbs is here for you.
On behalf of the entire editorial team, I wish you wonderful spring full of joy, peace and good cheer.
Marek Vodicka
My Herbs magazine
Next issue comes out
on May 15, 2024