We’re just sending the new issue to print. Thank you to all who have renewed their subscriptions. If you haven’t managed to renew your subscription in time, you may use this link to do so and you will receive your next My Herbs issue hot off the press.
Dear My Herbs reader and fellow herbalist,
The current global situation has us all looking for answers to questions like how to protect ourselves against illnesses, how to increase our bodily resilience, or how to strengthen our immune system. The answers to these questions are sometimes surprisingly simple, and we’re bringing them to you, along with a handful of other natural tips, in the upcoming issue of My Herbs.
I would like to make you, our long-time subscriber, the best offer possible and at the same time enable you to continue your subscription to My Herbs even in these difficult times.
What’s the offer? A $21.98 discount compared to the price in stores and bookstores!
Your price for a yearly subscription containing 4 issues of My Herbs will be: $29.98.
Or the BEST DEAL is 2 years (8 issues) for only $53.98 with a discount of $49.94.
The My Herbs magazine is the work of an independent editorial team; it doesn’t contain advertising and I personally promise you that in every issue you’ll find advice you would never have found anywhere else.
Thank you very much and I wish you good health and a beautiful, sunny summer.
Ales Vodicka and the My Herbs editorial team.
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