My Herbs magazine in New York
While strolling through Chelsea, NYC, earlier today we bumped into Farmer’s Market in Union Square. The selection of fresh produce, bread, seafood, meat and flowers was plentiful. When we walked through the sense of community was almost palpable. People conversing about what to do with the smoked garlic or how to grow the mint they just bought. They were invited to taste fresh apple cider, goat cheese or other samples of local organic produce. The Union Square Greenmarket is a great opportunity for New Yorkers to buy local farmers’ products in the heart of the city. Then only five minutes away at the corner of W 24th St and 7th Ave is a Whole Foods Market where you can easily find My Herbs magazine in the checkout aisles. There were still four copies left this morning so if you go by don’t miss it.
Whole Foods Market, W 24th St / 7th, New York
Union Square Greenmarket, New York