My Herbs 4 Is Hitting Shelves Now

Dear My Herbs Readers,

After a long bout of colder winter months, spring is finally upon us! Now is the time when nature awakens from its slumber, when vital energy is restored, and life seems to spring up everywhere. It is a period of growth, but also sacrifice. Work must be done for the benefits of harvest to grace us.

Likewise, many of us find our lives paralleling the natural rhythms of earth. We all seem to desire to cleanse our bodies, master our minds, and restore balance to our lives at this time. In order to do so, we must put in work. For the body, try the emerging method of gemmotherapy (14), a therapy that uses natural parts of plants to nourish, repair and restore vital function.

With the weather getting warmer everyday, we gravitate towards being outdoors. Take a break and step outside for peace of mind. Go for a walk and focus on the fresh air, budding flowers and warmth of the sun. Internally, it is possible to balance hormones (for both women and men) naturally through movement – try this yoga method for an alternative to pharmaceuticals (22).

In addition to internal cleansing, rid your beauty cabinet of products containing harmful chemicals. Instead, turn to herbal products. Later in spring, and even into early summer, rosemary grows abundantly. Use a bit in this homemade rosemary foam made with moisturizing shea butter (44) for a restorative, natural solution.

We hope that this issue of My Herbs offers inspiration and guidance for cleansing the body, mastering the mind, and restoring balance this spring.

Wishing you a pleasant reading of My Herbs,

Kelsey Quinn
and the whole My Herbs family.

My Herbs 4
New issue every 3 months with information specific to the season.

Where to buy My Herbs magazine, click here


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