Garden Nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus)
It belongs to the strongest natural antibiotics – number one in fighting urinary tract inflammation – and it also helps patients with the respiratory tract. You can hardly find any better natural helper against tonsillitis.
Nasturtium might be known to some who grow it for decoration on their flower beds, rock gardens, and flowerpots – a plant with brightly colored flowers – but you should also know that it is very beneficial to human health.
Nasturtium, native to South America, is also known under the popular name, garden cress. While most people admire its beauty, very few are aware of its medicinal properties.
Healing effects are not trivial – nasturtium has significant antibiotic, antiviral, and antibacterial properties and helps with chronic inflammation of the lungs. Because it has effects on staphylococci, streptococci, Proteus, E. coli, and other species of bacteria in the urinary tract, it contributes to treating inflammation of the bladder. The herb has proven itself in the treatment of inflammation of the prostate, stomach ulcers, and inflammation of the ovaries. You also will appreciate its preventive effects against most infectious diseases.
Extracts of nasturtium strengthen our defense system (immunity), improve the function of the central nervous system, and strengthen the body overall. This herb also promotes hair growth, prevents hair loss, and is a trump card for beating hair dandruff.
High efficiency of this not fully appreciated herb lies in the content of glycoside glucotropaeolin. It is excreted primarily in urine along with other substances but beforehand, it manages to combat many types of bacteria in the urinary tract. However, excretion also takes place through the lungs and airways so nasturtium also helps with acute and chronic inflammation of the upper respiratory tract (sore throat, nasopharyngitis).
The herb is usually used twice a day, in the morning and afternoon. The active substances in the body begin to work from two to three hours after ingestion, reaching a maximum of four to ten hours.
You do not have to fear any side effects or even an overdose. Nasturtium is also suitable for pregnant or lactating women. We can combine it with antibiotics because it enhances their effect. With regard to taste, it strikingly resembles a radish.