A lifetime is like a flash of lightning
in the sky, rushing by, like a torrent down
a steep mountain. There are having flowers
in Spring, breezes in Summer, moon
in Autumn, snows in Winter. If there
is nothing worrying over you, it will be
the best seasons at all times.
My Herbs 14, contents
An Ode to the Poppy, A Remembrance Symbol And an Heirloom Herb
The Magical Aloe
Herbs That Can Do Both Good and Harm to Children
Coffee Body Peeling
Herbs for Beautiful Hair
Comfrey, the Herb of our Grandmothers
Get Rid of Cough
Wine as Medicine
Elderberry A blessed Bush With Effects Beneficial to our Health
Healthy Cooking With My Herbs
You can find My Herbs magazine at Whole Foods Market, Barnes & Noble and other bookstores.