Cleanse Your Body of Heavy Metals
Heavy metals (toxins) can have very unpleasant effects on our health. They are all around us – in our food, water, vaccines, and even in the air we breathe. Today it is quite difficult to rid ourselves of them entirely. We made a list of natural preparations that can help the body partially – or even completely – get rid of those toxins.
They enter the body very inconspicuously. It is practically impossible to avoid them. Heavy metals can remain in various organs for years until they somehow come to our attention. Until the early years of this century, the mercury-based preservative thimerosal was used to inhibit bacteria growth in some vaccines; today, thimerosal is not used in any vaccinations except for the flu, and one can request thimerosal-free flu shots. They enter our system through conventional diets and drinks, chemical-laden cosmetics, drugs, and unclean air breathing. The air today, especially in big cities, is full of poisons.
The human body was given an amazing quality by nature – it is able to maintain itself and even regenerate. Heavy metals block this process, however. The situation in your body can be determined through laboratory tests, from any sample, more or less. Heavy metals can be found in urine, saliva, breast milk, and even in hair. These metals settle in the body where there is any kind of suitable niche for them.
Typically, this means organs that lack minerals. There, the toxic metals taken in by the body begin to deposit. The basis for detoxing the body is the adequate intake of mineral substances. Only in the moment when the body begins to replenish its mineral supply it is willing to release toxins from the body. It is certainly good to know that lead deposits where calcium is missing (the bones). Cadmium replaces zinc, nickel deposits anywhere magnesium is missing, and arsenic replaces phosphorus.
Ridding the body of uninvited metals is a very long and difficult process. It may take at least three months to see and feel results. If you decide to rid your body of toxins, then you must count on a basic regimen with herbs and mineral substances.
Symptoms of Intoxication
Right now you are probably wondering how your body is doing. Understanding the symptoms of toxins in the body may lead you to an answer.
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