Administrator Webu

Administrator Webu

Herbal Sachet Massages

Try this recent massage trend – herbal sachet massages. Few people know about them, but those who have experienced a herbal sachet massage once, undoubtedly want another. Our reader Iveta had the opportunity to try this special type of massage, and will share…

Lavender oil against migraines

DIY: Sprinkle tiny cuts of lavender blossoms into 2-3 cups of olive oil while stirring constantly until a homogenous, thick, but still liquid mixture forms. Then pour it in an appropriate container and let it rest in a dark place for 6-8…

10 Foods To Be Avoided

If only buying them occasionally, there’s usually no harm done. But frequent consumption may result in problems with obesity or other serious diseases. Here are 10 foods that should be avoided. Luckily, there are simple and healthy alternatives. Food is not simply…