Tag Summer issue

Power of Plant Chemistry

Phytochemicals, also known as plant pigments because of their diversity of colors, are biologically active compounds present in plants. They are also called protective plant chemicals thanks to their effects. Many of them are beneficial to human health in a…

The Globe Artychoke (Cynara scolymus)

This bittersweet-tasting plant from the Asteraceae family has a multitude of healing abilities. It regenerates the liver, acts against flatulence and has strong detoxifying effects. It also has its unmistakeable place in the culinary domain – on the most opulent…

Thyroid in Danger

The thyroid is one of the most important organ regulators; it is responsible for the running of many bodily functions and overall metabolism. Problems with the thyroid gland should be treated without delay.

Common Grape Vine (Vitis vinifera)

A favorite drink throughout the history of mankind. From 3500 B.C., the ancient Egyptians considered the drink of grapes an elixir of youth. Wine’s popularity has continued to this day, although nowadays, it is not so popular for its medicinal…

Young Barley—This Year’s Champ

Few had heard of it a couple of years ago, but now young barley is becoming a household name. Why? When mixed with water, this green powder aids in regaining health and vitality. Young barley has powerful healing effects. It isn’t only for…