Homemade Cosmetics: Lady‘s Mantle (Alchemilla vulgaris)

Homemade Cosmetics: Lady‘s Mantle (Alchemilla vulgaris) In medieval times, alchemists used to collect rain water from the leaf centers of lady’s mantles because they believed it possessed magical and medicinal powers. This belief probably stemmed from the plant’s generic name,…

My Herbs Summer Skin Care

My Herbs Summer Skin Care Summer and sunlight are, for many of us, synonymous with moments of peace and quiet during a vacation. The sun rays can literally charge us with energy. However, sunbathing can also be a bit dangerous, so it…

Osteoporosis: Fragile Bones

Osteoporosis: Fragile Bones High calcium content can be found in poppy, sesame seeds, hazelnuts and walnuts, and almonds. From herbs: angelica, arnica, lady’s mantle, comfrey, valerian, calendula, thyme, milk thistle, wormwood, rosehips, willow herb or centaury. The causes of so-called…

My Herbs Subscription Renewals via Gumroad

My Herbs Subscription Renewals via Gumroad Dear subscribers, thank you so much for your interest in My Herbs magazine. It has been a year since the premier issue came out and now is the time when first of your yearly…

My Herbs Advice Column

My Herbs Advice Column At our editorial department, we receive more and more questions that we successively hand over to our collaborating experts for advice. Some of the most popular questions and answers are subsequently published in regular column. We…

Balancing Hormones with Yoga

Balancing Hormones with Yoga Maintaining an optimal balance and harmony in your hormone levels is essential for a high quality of life. Imbalances can be unpleasant, causing excessive sweating, hair loss, weight gain or irregular and strong menstruation. Your doctor…