Category Issue 08

How to Prepare for Your Baby’s Birth

A woman’s body experiences a number of changes during pregnancy in order to nurture and accommodate the developing fetus. Pregnancy or gestation involves physical, psychological, social and spiritual alterations, as well as endocrine and metabolic adaptations. These changes begin after…

Tenets of Shopping and Eating Right

Regular physical activity, time spent in the sun, and fresh air ensure a healthy body, appetite, proper digestion and enough vitamin D. A good mood certainly helps as well, and so does good company at the dinner table. And don’t forget that it is…

Delicious Elderberry Honey

Ingredients: • 40 elderberry blooms in tufts • 2 well-washed lemons • 1 l / 1 qt drinking water • 1 kg / 2 lbs sugar • several dog-rose petals (optional) Preparation: Remove green stalks and dirt from the blooms, but…

Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream

Vanilla ice cream is recommended for expectant mothers in the period of morning nausea, which it alleviates. It also calms the nervous system and relieves anxiety and tension. The first step is making your own vanilla sugar. To make it, you…

Exotic Legumes that Heal

If you like peas or beans, you will surely appreciate the chance to explore other plants whose fruits have great taste and aesthetic value – they can be, for example, dried and used as an unconventional decoration. Besides, many of them are very healthy and contain a number of healing substances.…

Wallachian Salad

Ingredients: For 4 people • 200 g / 7 oz of fresh leaves (dandelion and endive, ideally whitened, or corn salad instead) • 50 g / 1.7 oz of smoked bacon • 50 ml / 1.7 fl oz of 4% wine vinegar…

Eat to Your Heart’s Content and Lose Weight

If you have decided to lose weight using only a reduction-type diet with no incorporated physical exercise, beware! A reduction-type diet is only effective as long as we return to a sustainable diet in the longer term. The belief that we will stick to a…

Fresh Nettle Tempura

Ingredients: For 4 people • 50 g / 1.7 oz fresh nettle sprouts (about 4 cm / 1.5 inches long) Dough: • 3 spoonsful of flour • 15-20 ml / 0.5-0.6 fl oz very cold water • two ice cubes •…

Dandelion Sorbet

Ingredients: • 200 g / 7 oz dandelion blooms without greens • 1 l / 67 fl oz • 50g / 1.7 oz sugar • 100ml / 3.4 orange juice • 100ml / 3.4 fl oz orange juice Preparation: Make sure…