Category Issue 01

Wild Plants for Dinner

Wild Sources of Fat and Oil Paleobotanical evidence shows that hazelnuts (Cornus avellana), which contain up to 60 percent fat, served as a vital source of oil (so much so that it was even possible to pay taxes with them through…

Power of Plant Chemistry

Phytochemicals, also known as plant pigments because of their diversity of colors, are biologically active compounds present in plants. They are also called protective plant chemicals thanks to their effects. Many of them are beneficial to human health in a…

Raw-Food Taste Treats

Tasty raw soups, no-bake cakes and the best biscuits. Delicacies from a raw-food kitchen are sure to surprise you with their exquisite flavors. And they will cleanse your body too!

The Darker Side of Sunblock

We wear it to protect ourselves. Sunblock shields our skin from harmful UVA and UVB radiation, lessening our risk of developing skin cancer. But could what we use to protect ourselves actually contain chemicals that cause us harm?

Do We Need Protein?

The structure of protein is similar to that of a house, in that it is composed of various building materials. The most important part of the protein structure consists of amino acids that are necessary for the human body.

Vitamin Alphabet: Vitamin A

Vitamins and minerals are essential for us humans. Let us create a detailed database of them in order to know what can help us in case we fall ill and from what sources we can replace our bodies’ deficiencies.

Dang Shen (Codonopsis pilosula)

This species of plant has been used for about three centuries, but in that relatively short period of time it has become a valuable tonic. It is used as a ginseng substitute and is often called the poor man’s ginseng.