Lukas Hurt

Lukas Hurt

Cholesterol, the New Boogeyman

Cholesterol, the New Boogeyman For several decades, a simple correlation in medicine has been valid: reducing cholesterol is beneficial to one’s health. Lately, however, it has been shown that this rule is not precisely true. Cholesterol in the human body is…

Six Herbal Recipes for a Slim Figure

1) Fat Digesting: Hot mulled maté tea Maté leaves contain a significant amount of caffeine, which stirs the digestion of fats. As a postprandial, it is good for the body, and the caffeine swiftly gets rid of fatigue with long-lasting effects. This…

Warming Winter Foods

In winter, we regularly put on pounds of fat which we try to get rid of during the rest of the year. We recognize the problem, but why can’t we keep from doing it? It could be the short days,…

Herbs for Slimming

The most common cause of obesity and being overweight is the intake of unhealthy, unnaturally concentrated, and artificially flavored foods. Obesity can also be caused by an unhealthy diet or a lack of movement, sleep, or natural foods or by the…

Amaranth: A forgotten seed

Amaranth is a perennial plant coming from Central America, where it was already known by the Aztecs, Incas, and Mayans, who called it a “sacred seed.” Amaranth seeds can be used for various culinary purposes – they can be eaten…

Natural Sources of Minerals: Selenium

Selenium is a not very well known element in nature. It’s not frequently mentioned in relation to human health, but its role in the body is still irreplaceable. It protects us against civilization diseases, among other dangers.

Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus)

The tree-decaying mushroom also known as ‘hiratake,’ abalone, or tree mushroom is well-known for its capability to bolster immune function and potentially fight and prevent cancer. Aside from being rich in protein, fiber, vitamin C, B vitamins, calcium, and minerals,…