Lukas Hurt

Lukas Hurt

Natural Repellents

Summer and warm weather usually go hand in hand with lots of annoying insects. We can repel them using aromatherapy. Try this recipe for this insect-repelling basic synergic mixture: 4 parts thyme, 4 parts lavender, 8 parts lemongrass and 4 parts peppermint ethereal oils. If any…

Avocado Tartare

Ingredients for 4 servings: • 2 avocados • 3.5 oz. / 100 g. tomatoes • lemon juice • 3 oz. / 80 g. mozzarella • 3.5 oz. / 100 g. garlic • salt, pepper • 7 Tbsp. / 100 ml.…

Aromatherapy for Summer Days

Some of you may be reading this article on vacation, others perhaps while lounging on the terrace or in a garden full of sweet-smelling herbs. Summer usually symbolizes months of peace and good health. Unfortunately, some minor health problems may appear even during this…

Comfrey Ointment from Shea Butter

We’re going to need 2 ounces / 50 grams of dried comfrey root and 8 ounces / 230 grams (250 milliliters) of shea butter. Put shea butter into a non-metallic pot, put the pot into a water  bath, and melt the shea butter inside. Add comfrey root.…

Citrus deodorant

Ingredients: • 6 – 7 Tbsp. coconut oil (in a solid state) • ¼ c. corn starch • ¼ c. baking soda • Several drops grapefruit or lemon ethereal oil Directions: Mix corn starch and baking soda. Melt coconut oil in a water…

How to Stop Excessive Sweating

The fight against unpleasant bodily odor goes all the way back to ancient Egypt, where people used various spices, citrus or even cinnamon to mask the scent of their sweat. To this day, these natural resources certainly haven’t lost their relevance, since we can…


Tincture: Put 5 to 20 grams of dried cannabis flowers into a jar. Add a ½ liter (1 cup) of 40 to 60 percent alcohol (fruit brandy, vodka, ethyl alcohol) and let steep for two to four weeks, shaking daily. After that time, strain the tincture…